Friday, June 1, 2012

Clearly, I still have plenty of work to do on these plus the "cherry" and "snowman" earlier postings but they are all coming along okay. My hand work an hour a night at bedtime works pretty well and is slow going but at least has a focal point. A step in the right direction makes more sense than doing nothing.

Fantasy baskets of flowers

Old to new

I have been resurrecting some of the hand sewing projects that I started years ago when I was concentrating on "Quilts For A Better Tomorrow" local safe house kids. I was setting my own projects back for "later". That was before my wreck in 2005 which put  a halt to most of my plans. Now I have changed those plans to better suit my limits. I have been trying to work an hour before going to bed which works out because I think I sleep better. That's as long as I can work on any hand quilting so instead of tossing and turning, I use that energy to finishing projects that have taken the back seat. Not that I have actually completed anything yet but am trying. I am often surprised how much I have already done just working a little at a time. This particular one I bought about 90 squares w/boys and girls. They are good size and I kept 35 girls and sold the rest years ago....dividing strips are reproduction and the original blocks are from the 1930s. The applique fabric was finished beautifully and embroidered lines were already penciled in so someone else started it. The one with all the details done was original quilter's "example" and I have modified it down a bit to simpler details. Each block has some lace or trim at the bottom of the clothes. I will add shoe buttons, more trim etc as needed.