Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let Sleeping Cats Lie

This is one I am currently working on. Let Sleeping Cats Lie pattern is wonderful but not easy. I have never thought grey & brown could go together but it does. Was quite surprised at the number of different scrap pieces I had that worked. I bought a few new ones but always like to use up pieces from my "hoard". I took a shortcut on the ears, tho. Tiny applique pieces would reduce the possibility of ever finishing what will be a good sized quilt...the mouse heads will be bad enough. I used pink fabric paint and embroidered around it.

Santa w/Lantern

I made several of these...details don't show up. Basically log cabin squares. That was before I finally figured out to cut out more than 1 at a time. I made a couple of mistakes on the one I gave my daughter-in-law and have asked her to borrow it back every Christmas so I can fix it but never happens.

Pinhead Santa

I did this one in the 80s when I was doing a lot of traveling by myself. Mostly hand pieced...just took a bunch of the teeny pieces wherever I went to work on. Was good to learn on but my hand piecing days are over for sure. I was thinking I would end up w/15 or 20 squares but settled for 12.

Basket for Chritmas

This was a fun pattern to do..9 patch. Basket handles were done by hand before assembly. I originally had big ideas of making about 12 Xmas quilts substituting the baskets for Daisy Kingdom Santa blocks and all 9 patches w/different fabric. By the time I got this one and 1 of the DK ones done, 2 of the people had died so I have set my sights a little lower.
Have been using some of the fabric for covered
boxes ...very fun to make and I actually put presents in them and give them away during the holidays.

Naughty & Nice

These are the Daisy Kingdom Naughty & Nice Santas. Naughty offers switches and, of course, the Nice has merriment in his bag. Also a cheater but I did quite a bit of hand work on them and they turned out very nice.

Dick & Jane

This is a cheater Dick & Jane quilt I made for dh Richard.
Really not quite as simple as you would think but turned out very nice.

Tree w/Bears

Trees & Bears
I love this tree pattern and plan to make some single trees for Xmas wall hangings. Bears are from 1885 paint company stencil. Large almost finished.